
runpandas.read_strava(activity_id, access_token, refresh_token=None, client_id=None, client_secret=None, to_df=False, **kwargs)

This method loads the activity data from Strava into a Pandas DataFrame or runpandas Activity. Column names are translated to runpandas terminology (e.g. “heartrate” > “heart_rate”). Datetimes indexes are replaced by time offsets. All NaN rows are removed.

Attention: Two API requests are made to the Strava webservice: 1 to

retrieve activity metadata, 1 to retrieve the raw data (“streams”).

  • activity_id (str, The id of the activity) –

  • access_token (str, The Strava access token) –

  • refresh_token (str, The Strava refresh token, optional) –

  • client_id (int, The Strava client id used for token refresh, optional) –

  • client_secret (str, The strava client secret used for token refresh, optional) –

  • to_df (bool, optional) – Return a obj:runpandas.Activity if to_df=True, otherwise a pandas.DataFrame will be returned. Defaults to False.

  • **kwargs

  • args to be passed to the read_strava (Keyword) –


Return a obj – a pandas.DataFrame will be returned.

Return type

runpandas.Activity if to_df=True, otherwise